
  Tips for using the microscope 1

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The compound microscopes and prepared slides used in a typical Human Anatomy and Physiology Lab are expensive but essential tools for histological investigations.  Unfortunately, they are also very fragile and can easily be damaged by improper use.  In order for you to get the most benefit out of these resources without subjecting them to the risk of damage, you should follow the following procedures developed for compound, binocular microscopes.  Although other types of microscopes may be used, most of these general guidelines should apply.

(1)  Always carry the microscope with two hands (one hand on the arm and the other hand cradling the base of the instrument).

(2)  After removing a microscope from its cabinet, make sure the lenses and stage are clean  and that the low power objective (10X) or scanning objective (4X) is in place and that the rheostat controlling the intensity of the illuminator is in the lowest position.  If you need to clean the lenses or slide, use only the lens paper provided for this purpose. 

(3) Place the slide securely into the spring-loaded clips connected to the mechanical stage.  The position of the slide can then be manipulated with the two knobs connected to the mechanical stage.

(4) Turn on the microscope illuminator with the rocker switch and adjust the light intensity to a midpoint position with the rotary switch on the left hand side of the instrument.  Make sure that the iris diaphragm is wide open and that nothing is interfering with the path of light from the illuminator (for example, the power cord).

Note: Under most viewing conditions you should not use the highest light intensity as this is uncomfortable to the eyes and may shorten the life of the bulbs in the illuminator.

(5) Begin your observations under low or scanning power.  Making sure that the objective lens does not contact the slide, turn the coarse adjustment knob until the stage is as high as it will go.
