Pseudacris regilla-Pacific Tree Frog created by Amanda Bradley and Kalene Wileman
Eschscholzia californica-California Poppy created by Stefanie Gessert and Samantha Havrilla
Sceloporus occidentalis-Western Fence Lizard created by Taylor Gut, Jonathon Free, and Cienna Hopkins
Odocoileus hemiounus columbianus-Columbian Black Tailed Deer created by Carlie Hopp and Javier Torres
Schizocosa mccooki-Wolf Spider created by Alex Kirchner and Thomas Joswiak
Taricha Granulosa-Rough-skinned Newt created by Alastair Keys, Corey Herman, and Nathan LaCoursiere
Lupinus bicolor-Miniature Lupine created by Tara Lila and Megan Gresl
Metrius contractus-Bombardier Beetle created by Sarah Lloyd and Megan Lyden
Glomus intraradices created by Dylan Montoure and Michael Vogt
Microtus californicus-California Meadow Vole created by Olivia Snodgrass and Ashley Wambach
Harpaphe haydeniana-Yellow-Spotted Millipede created by Sunita Nandihalli and Alex Crain
Oiceoptoma noveboracense-Margined Carrion Beetle created by Alyssa Everson
Sarcophaga crassipalpis-Flesh Fly created by Christina Griffin and Elyssa Kingstad
Sarcapohaga carnaria-European Flesh Fly created by Caleb Parker and Brady Gross
Lumbricus terrestris-Earthworm created by McKenna Jacobs and Nicole Lang
Aleochara bilineata-Rove Beetle created by Grace Kehoe and Megan Beine
Scarabaeus sacer-Dung Beetle created by Tory Klepsa and Amanda Ramos
Calliphora vicina created by Ryan Kuhn and Nick Jorgensen
Armadillidium vulgare-Pill Bug created by Kelsey Miller and Aislynn Wagner
Aphodius prodromus created by Callie Horstman and Bobbi Jo Schuttemeier
Morchella esculenta-Morel Mushroom created by Corey Volden and Mia Vidmar
Phanaeus vindex-Rainbow Scarab Beetle created by Lucas Zellmer and Zach Stoflet
Cataglyphis bombycina-Saharan Silver Desert Ant created by Austin Baetke and Jake Raffel
Xylocopa virginica-Eastern Carpenter Bee created by Dana Baldwin and Emily Clarkin
Cryptotermes cavifrons-Dry Wood Termite created by Seth Roca and Tyler Brown
Melipona beecheii-Sacred Mayan Bee created by Katie Dobbs and Graeham Conklin
Polistes dominula-European Paper Wasp created by Tim Good and Chris DeWinter
Eciton burchellii-Army Ant created by Jesse Hahn and Evan Miller
Xylocopa varipuncta-Valley Carpenter Bee created by Jake Holum and Ian Schwanda
Iridomyrmex purpureus-Meat Ant created by Parker Kastelic and Jacob Koeshall
Myrmecocystus mexicanus-Honeypot Ant created by Kathryn Goodreau and Elisabeth Kujala
Monomorium minimum-Little Black Ant created by Amber Mehr and Sylvia Roznik
Atta cephalotes-Leafcutter Ants created by LeAnna Bender and Chad Mertens
Solenopsis invicta-Red Imported Fire Ants created by Rachael Miller and Lynsey Yehle
Silene latifolia-White Campion created by Paige Frendahl and Kirsten Anderson
Sepia apama-Australian Giant Cuttlefish created by Aaron Bennett and Franklin Carnes
Aquila chrysaetos-Golden Eagle created by Luke Bjorklund and Abby Johnson
Ursus americanus-American Black Bear created by Christina Burkhart and Lauren Kemps
Vulpes vulpes-Red Fox created by Matthew Eidenschink and Alesia Baldwin
Lingulodinium polyedrum created by Stacey Egberg and Dakota Flohaug
Phasianus colchicus-Ring-Necked Pheasant created by Rebekah Guthman and Jake Hilger
Rhincodon typus-Whale Shark created by Leotzi Lee and Gabby Liston
Callithrix pygmaea-Pygmy Marmoset created by Jenna Malinauskas and Abbey Zimmer
Melanocetus johnsonii-Humpback Anglerfish created by Ryan Pitney and Steve Von Haden
Linum marginale-Native flax created by Alexandra Kies and Lexi Renk
Ursus arctos-Grizzly Bear created by Daniel Rittenhouse and Kyle Swales
Carcharhinus melanopterus-Blacktip Reef Shark created by Chelsea Kotes and Nick Berry
Amphioctopus marginatus-Coconut Octopus created by Megan Johnson and Cole Cudd
Bolbometopon muricatum-Green Humphead Parrotfish created by Melinda Feaster and Michaela Muehlenkamp
Triaenodon obesus-Whitetip Reef Shark created by Amanda Herbrand and Kate Habrel
Stenella Clymene-Clymene dolphin created by Taylor Kahl and Lauren Olson
Ophiocordyceps unilateralis created by Aaron Kumlien and Sean Carlson
Enypniastes eximia-Swimming Sea Cucumber created by Bailey Abbott and Andrea Langley
Lysmata amboinensis-Pacific Cleaner Shrimp created by Dustin Metzger and Steve Brunschidle
Globicephala melas-Long-Finned Pilot Whale created by Abigail Nixon and Lindsey Hoff
Oregonia gracilis-Graceful Decorator Crab created by Alecia Faber and Ben Tschoeke
Galeocerdo Cuvier-Tiger Shark created by Michael Arndt
Sphyrna lewini-Scalloped Hammerhead Shark created by Josh White and Garrett Berg
Phoca vitulina-Harbor Seal created by Alyssa Dorosz and Daniel Nash
Betta splendens-Siamese Fighting Fish created by Nickie Beaulieu and Sydne Springman
Monodon monoceros-Narwhal created by Quinton Taylor and Sean Gallagher
Cheilinus undulatus-Napoleon Wrasse created by Olivia Feagles and Madison Geliche
Ictalurus fraculus-Blue Catifsh created by Tylor Hoard
Caretta caretta-Loggerhead Sea Turtle created by Kelsey Huseth and Ally Thompson
Amphiprion perideraion-Pink Skunk Clownfish created by Caitlin Quella and Abby Stauder
Sepia officinalis-Common Cuttlefish created by Kyle Ziegler and Chelsea Olson
Ursus arctos-Grizzly Bears created by Dawn Hackfort and Marissa Hogan
Antrozous pallidus-Pallid Bat created by Lydia Korte and Amy Schweitzer
Synanceia horrida-Stonefish created by Trevor Olsen
Astyanax Mexicanus-Mexican Tetra created by Samantha Lieven and Carl Kritter
Riftia pachyptila created by Roslyn Walhovd
Synanceia Verrucosa-Stonefish created by Cece Staege
Amblyopsis rosae-Ozark Cavefish created by Rachel Behl and Alex Wontor
Tadarida brasiliensis-Mexican Free-Tailed Bat created by Jesse Guadarrama and Bridget Young
Barbourofelis fricki-Sabertooth created by Emilie Ingrid Anderson and Lingxiao Ye
Cryptoprocta ferox-Fossa created by Molly Colombo and Rachael Tenuta
Macaca mulatta-Rhesus Monkey created by Alex Koenen and Travis Harrison
Dunkleosteus terrelli created by Sadie Peters and Leah Mikrut
Galeopterus variegatus-Flying Lemur created by Maggie Quigley and Sarah Cameron
Tiktaalik roseae created by Michelle Raabe and Casey Wojtowicz
Madoqua saltiana-Dik-dik created by Chelsie Richards and Alexis Cherrier
Tanystropheus longobardicus created by Abigail Rohde and Karissa Rueth
Streptococcus pneumoniae created by Ryan Schaefer and Tanner Folvag
Harpia harpyja-Harpy Eagle created by Jeffery Benike and Zoe Simon
Saiga tatarica-Saiga created by Lauren Schnurbusch and Jordan Carns
Kronosaurus queenslandicus created by Merari Cordova and Andre McMillion
Platanista gangetica-Ganges river dolphin created by Michelle Edgar and Alex Bartelme
Phytosaurs-Phytosaurs created by Matthew Barbour and Alex Gorka
Petromyzon marinus-Sea Lampreys created by Amanda Guise and Bryanne Blanton
Setonix brachyurus-Quokka created by Jessie Bere and Trevor Hanke
Dosidicus gigas-Humboldt Squid created by Ben Bengtson and Nathaniel Kitzmann
Quetzalcoatlus northropi-Pterosaur created by Elizabeth Krings and Jesse Jepson
Enteroctopus megalocyathus-Patagonian red octopus created by Karlissa McAtee and Jordan Anderson
Hexabranchus sanguineus-Spanish Dancer created by Alec Moenning and Devin Yurk
Naegleria fowleri-“Brain-Eating” Amoeba created by Alyssa Chrisman and Kelsey Welch
Equus burchelli-Plains Zebra created by Alayna Husom and Jed Dallas
Galago senegalensis-Lesser Bush Baby created by Kelly Degner and Nnia Emeka-Aneke
Vulpes vulpes-Red Fox created by Emilee DeSmet and Liz Teasdale
Eudyptula minor-Little Blue Penguin created by Melanie Nielsen and Nick Didier
Aedes aegypti-Yellow Fever Mosquito created by Michael Fuerte, Jade Finstad, and Megan Beckman
Okapia johnstoni-Okapi created by Michael Tuyls and Andrew Jablonski
C. parvum created by Mariah Weiland and Tiffany Nelson
Loxodonta cyclotis-African Forest Elephant created by Lauren Pfaffenroth and Samantha Van Riper
Esox masquinongy X Esox lucius-Tiger Musky created by Sam Schneider and Derek Gill
Porichthys notatus-Plainfin Midshipman created by Chris Woods and Ed Bernas
Noctiluca scintillans-Sea Sparkle created by Andrew Bradford and Alexis Barber
Mycena citricolor-American Coffee Spot created by Andrew Dominick
Pyrocystis fusiformis created by Rachel Eigner and Danielle J Schiro
Photinus marginellus-Firefly created by Sarah Fischer and Jamie Frawley
Pteroptyx malaccae-Firefly created by Logan Fleres and Garrett Sarauer
Kryptophanaron alfredi created by Kara Greenwood and Lynzee Pinkert
Ophiopsila riisei-Brittle Star created by Abby Lee and Taylor Graef
Odontosyllis phosphorea-Fireworm created by Isaac Metzler and James Groh
Photinus ignitus-Firefly created by Jordon Thomsen and Victor Bretl
Vibrio salmonicida created by Stephanie Dalsing and Rachel Voye
Aequorea victoria-Crystal Jellyfish created by John Frawley and Ron Zaleski