Domain                     Eukarya: Poison Ivy belongs in the Eukarya domain because it has a true nucleus.
Kingdom                  Plantae: Kingdom Plantae is described by multicellularity, cell walls of cellulose, primary production, and autotrophic through photosynthesis.

Phylum                      Magnoliophyta: Poison ivy is an angiosperm or flowering plant because it belongs to this phylum.  It is a seed plant with vascular tissue to transport water and nutrients.

Class                            Magnoliopsida:  Poison ivy is a dicotyledon since it belongs to this class.  It has seeds with two cotyledons.  Vascular tissue is arranged in a ring, and there is a main root (tap root) present.  Generally flowers appear in multiples of four or five with pollen grains.  However, this is not the case in poison ivy

Order                          Sapindales: An order of mostly woody, dicot, flowering plants characterized by having compound or lobed leaves which possess glandular cavities.

Family                        Anacardiaceae:  This family is also known for bearing fruits that are drupes, in other words fruits with an outer fleshy part surrounding a shell.  Anacardiaceae is known as the cashew family or the sumac family.  Other members of this family include Poison Sumac, Cashew Tree, Mango Tree, and Pistachio Tree.

Genus                          Toxicodendron: Toxicodendron is a genus of flowering plants in the sumac family containing woody trees, shrubs, and vines that all produce urushiol, the active allergy causing compound.  Members of the genus also have whitish or grayish drupes.

Species                       Toxicodendron radicans: Poison Ivy or Toxicodendron radicans is a woody vine and not a true Ivy



80 other genera

This phylogenetic tree is based on the morphology of plants.  It seperates from the kingdoms all the way down to the genera.