About ME
Hello and thank you for visiting my site.  My name is Andrew Armington and I am sophomore at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse.  With my biology major I plan on going to Medical School and hopefully getting into Orthopedics.  In my free time I like to be active, cook, and listen to music.  I absolutely love the water and water related activities.  Waterskiing and Wakeboarding are by far my favorite and I am captain of the team at my university, which has created amazing opportunities for me and has allowed me to meet amazing people.

I chose to do my website on Citrus sinensis because I like to eat well and fruits are one of my most favorite foods, in particular the orange.  I can get it for cheap, it’s delicious, and nutritious!  

Contact me with any questions you might have at armingto.andr@uwlax.edu

Be sure to check out a multitude of other great organisms at http://multipleorganisms.net/mailto:armingto.andr@uwlax.eduhttp://multipleorganisms.netshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1
Name: Andrew Armington
Age: 20
Birthday: April 14th
College: UW La Crosse
Major: Biology/Biomedical
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Movie: Inside Man
Favorite Food: Any Fruit
Favorite Quote: “Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk” - Dalai Lama
All About Me