
Domain: Eukarya

            Kingdom: Plantae

                        Phylum: Magnoliophyta

                                    Class: Liliopsida

                                               Order: Asparagales

                                                            Family: Orchidaceae

                                                                        Genus: Dracula

                                                                                    Species: Dracula vampira


Eukarya: The Dracula orchid is defined as a eukaryote because it’s cells posses a true nucleus, and have membrane bound organelles.

Plantae: The Dracula orchid is placed in the kingdom plantae because it can photosynthesize, also because its cells possess cellulose cell walls.

Magnoliophyta: The Dracula orchid fits into the magnoliophyta because it is a flowering plant.

Liliopsida: The Dracula orchid belongs in the class liliopsida because it is a monocot. This means that it has one cotyledon. The leave venation of the monocots is typically parallel, and the arrangement of vascular tissue in the stems is scattered. In addition, the floral organs are typically in multiples of three.

Asparagales: The Dracula orchid belongs in the asparagales phylum because it has flowers at the top of its stem, and clusters of leaves at the base.

Orchidacae:  The Dracula orchid fits into the family orchidaceae because it has three petals, three sepals and a column.

Dracula: The Dracula orchid is a part of the Dracula genus due to its bizarre, often times sinister looking flowers. All of the organisms in the genus have this trait in common.

Dracula vampira: large distinct flowers that have rounded sepals where the tips are pulled into thin ‘tails’ characterize the species Dracula vampira. These tails can extend to be 11 cm long. The translation of Dracula from Latin to English is “little dragon”. This refers to the two long sepals on the flower.

hylogeny of land plants:
Orchids are angiosperms, shown here, they are most closely related to gymnosperms.

*Orchids are monocots and do not undergo secondary growth like eudicots do. This phylogeny shows the divergence of monocots from eudicots occurring approximately 200 MYA.

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