Structure and Adaptation



· When the seed lands and begins to grow,  a tap root grows first with  a rosette forming next.  A rosette contains many green leaves  that form a circle.  This is important to the dandelion’s growth because if any other seed tries to grow near this area, they will not be able to do so in the rosette’s shade.  The dandelion can now obtain all the nutrients and water from the surrounding soil and does not have to compete.


· The tap root serves as a nutrient storage site, which is located deep within the soil.  Therefore, when the flower part is eaten, torn up, or mowed over, the tap root can grow into a new flower.  This increases their survival rate.


· The rosette allows the dandelion to be a perennial, which means it lives throughout the year.  By forming a new rosette in the winter months, it allows the dandelion to have a jump start over other non-perennial plants.


· Root hairs on the root help the dandelions to adapt by increasing the surface area for the root to absorb water and nutrients.


Although this diagram is showing a different angiosperm then the dandelion, it still contains the same reproductive parts.


There are two main parts to a plant’s organization

1. Shoot system

2. Root system


This diagram shows the shoot system, which contains the stems, leaves, and flowers.


The male reproductive system is the stamen.


The female reproductive system is the pistil/carpel.



The taproot brings in water and minerals. It serves as a storage site for nutrients. This storage site allows for the dandelion to re-grow when the shoot system has been destroyed. Hence, when weeding in the lawn the entire root must be taken out, otherwise the root can grow into a new dandelion. (Interactions)


Root hairs extend from all of the dandelion roots.  They serve as a way for the dandelion to increase surface area to absorb more water and nutrients from the soil.