Author Time

           A freshman at the University of Wisconsin—La Crosse, I am majoring in Biochemistry with a Biomedical Science concentration.  I would like to one day go into medical research or advance to medical/graduate school at the University of Michigan.  I grew up in Osceola, Wisconsin, a small town right on the border between Wisconsin and Minnesota.  As a result, I have always known more about Minnesota than Wisconsin.  Fortunately, I have some sense and cheer for the Packers every Sunday during the football season.  In my spare time, I enjoy playing tennis, going for hikes, snowmobiling, skiing, hanging out with my friends old and new, reading, and watching crime shows (Law and Order and CSI are my favorites). 
           I would like to thank Dr. Volk and Dr. Sandland for all their help in the construction of this page and for all the help in class.  To all of the domain holders on the internet, thank you for assisting me with my preliminary research and for allowing use of your pictures, even if they can be found in the public domain.  I would also like to thank my parents for always standing by me, especially throughout my first year in college.  Finally, I would like to thank all of my close friends for giving feedback and helping me construct this website.  Without the hard work of everyone around me, this site could not have been this complete.

A Few Pieces of the Puzzle


           This website was created as part of a requirement for my Organismal Biology 203 course under direction of Dr. Thomas Volk and Dr. Gregory Sandland at the University of Wisconsin—La Crosse.  I chose Bacillus anthracis because I have always been very curious about information when it comes to bacteria and major diseases.  Also, with our world continuously becoming more advanced, and biochemical warfare seeming to loom on the horizon, I knew this is a topic that will interest people of every age and knowledge level.  For those interested in more sites covering animals with traits similar to that of Bacillus anthracis, here are two sites of related bacterium I think you’ll find especially interesting.  The first is a site created by a student here in the Spring of 2007, covering Streptococcus mutans, a tooth-decaying bacteria.  The second is a site created by a student here in the Spring of 2007, covering Streptococcus pyogenes, a flesh-eating bacteria that inflicted one of my professors.  Hope you enjoyed my site.  Feel free to contact me with any comments or questions!

Pictures taken by Mickayla Cottor

Pictures taken by Arlene Reardon and Cathy Rohlman, courtesy of Mickayla Cottor.