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How does the Vaccinium oxycoccus interact with other species?

The Vaccinium oxycoccus has a mutualist relationship with the fungal species Hymenoscyphus ericae. This fungus is an ascomycete and provides the benefits of nitrogen to the Vaccinium oxycoccus. It also is thought that the Hymenoscyphus ericae helps to detoxify the soil around the roots of the Vaccinium oxycoccus (Jaquemart p. 387)
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Some areas were Vaccinium oxycoccus grows there have been seen the interaction of bumblebees and honeybees with the Vaccinium oxycoccus, the bees help in the dispersal of pollen between flowers. (Jaquemart p. 390)

Vaccinium oxycoccus more commonly known as the cranberry plant is very important in the life of humans. The fruit of the Vaccinium oxycoccus is collected and use for food, medicine, and even fermented to make alcoholic beverages. (Jaquemart p. 392)

Other then humans other mammals that eat the fruit of the Vaccinium oxycoccus are bears and foxes (click for fox information Fox!). Many birds also eat the fruit and this aids in the dispersal of seeds. These birds include Erithacus rubecula, Turdus philomelos, Turdus viscivorus, Turdus merula, Lagopus lagopus, Lagopus mutus, Tetrao urogallus, and Tetrao tetrix. (Jaquemart p. 392)

The fungi Monilinia oxycocci is known to cause a common pathogen in Vaccinium oxycoccus known as the cottonball pathogen. It grows in the anthers, nectaries, petals, and stigmata. However, it will not grow on the styles. (Sanderson p. 1)

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