Other Interesting Facts


“Great Cocktail Party Conversation Starters”

Contrary to the American popularity of cow’s

milk, milk and milk products produced by Capra

hircus are more highly consumed worldwide

than those from a dairy cow.

Also, meat from a goat, lean meat called

chevon, is consumed more than beef worldwide.

Similar to other domestic animals, Capra hircus has many different breeds. There are over 100 goat breeds and all of them differ slightly in the advantages that they offer and where they originated. Some of the common breeds are:

-Nubian (Anglo-Nubian)- an all-purpose goat from England

         -Alpine- a dairy goat from the Alps

-Saanen, Toggenburg, and Oberhasli- dairy goats from different areas ofSwitzerland

-LaMancha- a dairy goat from Spain

-Pygmy- a goat from West Africa that is commonly used in zoos and medical research.

-Boer- a meat goat Europe

-Angora- a goat from Asia used for its Mohair

            fiber (fur).

    For more information on goat breeds,

        see Breeds of Livestock- Goat Breeds.

Goats gain popularity through many stories and myths. Some of these include:

-The Billy Goats Gruff:

This children’s story tells the tale of three goat brothers who have a run in with a troll while crossing his bridge. The troll tries to eat the goats while they cross his bridge to get to the green pasture on the other side, but the oldest of the brothers demonstrates the aggressive head-butting behavior of goats and knocks him into the water.

    For the complete story of The Billy Goats Gruff, click here.

-The Curse of the Billy Goat:

The Curse of the Billy Goat originated in Chicago in 1945 in when a man tried to bring his pet goat into Wrigley Field to watch a Chicago Cubs game. He thought the goat would bring the team good luck. When his goat was denied entrance to the stadium on account of its smell, the man stated that the Cubs would never win another World Series until the goat could enter the stadium. The team suffered for the rest of the season and since then has not won a World Series.

    For more information on the Curse of the Billy Goat, click here.

-The Zodiac sign Capricorn:

Capricorn is the Zodiac sign for the month between December 22nd and January 19th. Capricorn is symbolized by a goat. People born within the month of Capricorn are supposed to be ambitious and hardworking.

    For more information on Capricorn, click here.

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Two Nubian goats

Photo by Just chaos

An Angora goat.

Photo by ATIS547

A carving on a building shows the symbol for Capricorn, a goat.

Photo by mag3737

Goat cheese.

Photo by bhamsandwich