Domain: Eukarya

Kingdom: Fungi

Phylum: Basidiomycota

Class: Agaricomycetes

Order: Agaricales

Family: Bolbitiaceae

Genus: Conocybe

Species: Conocybe filaris


To find exactly why Conocybe filaris is classified the way it is we will take a look at each taxonomic rank starting with the Domain, and ending with the species.

Domain: Conocybe filaris is a Eukaryote like many other organisms. To be organized as a Eukaryote an organism must have membrane bound organelles, and the presence of a true nucleus. There are a vast amount of organisms that are classified as Eukaryotes, to give you an idea about how vast the domain of Eukarya is, Purple Coneflower, and Mantis Shrimp are also a Eukaryotes.

Kingdom: This organism is classified as a Fungus because of its chitinous cell walls, as wells as its non-motile state comprised of hair like structures called hyphae. (8) Other examples of fungus are: Auricularia auricula-judae, and Psilocybe cubensis.

Phylum: This organism is classified as a Basidiomycete because of its means of reproduction. Basidiomycetes reproduce mainly through basidospores that are formed on the gills of the mushrooms of these organisms. Some other examples of a Basidiomycetes are: Lycoperdon pyriforme, and Schizophylum commune.

Class:  Conocybe filaris is classified as an Agaricomycete because of its septate hyphae, and its dominant dikaryotic life cycle. Fungi in this class also have fruiting bodies in the form of mushrooms. (8)

Order: This organism is classified as an Agaricales because of what it has, but of what it lacks when compared to other orders. This order is comprised mainly of organisms that lack the features required to be classified into other orders. (8)

Family: Conocybe filaris is considered to be part of the Bolbitiaceae family because of the color of its spores. The spores of Bolbitiaceae tend to be brown in color. (8)

Genus: This organism is Genus Conocybe because of very specific microscopic differences in its cell cap cuticle. (6)

Species: This organism is classified with the species name filaris to distinguish it from others in its genus. It is considered a separate species because of the presence of amatoxin.

Below is a phylogenetic tree that shows Conocybe filaris in relation to other Conocybes and related  species.
Phylogenetic tree showing Conocybe filaris in relation to related species.
This phlyogenetic tree is taken from Hallen and Watlings Taxonomy and toxicity of conocybe lactea and related species.