Whooo is Megascops kennicottii?

Welcome to our website! Here you will be able to explore information behind Megascops kennicottii, or the Western Screech-owl. Previously known as Otus kennicottii, Megascops kennicottii is a beautiful, small owl that resides on the western side of North America, extending from Alaska to Mexico.

This website is a part of an ongoing series of websites created by Organismal Biology students at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse. To see more websites created by students, please visit Multiple Organisms.

On the panel to the left, you will find different links that will give you the chance to read, listen, and visualize the Western Screech-owl. Take your time as you travel through the site to learn about just one of many organisms that calls this Earth home. If you have any questions, please visit our contact page!

Introduce yourself with the Western Screech Owl by continuing to the classifications page.