
This site will introduce you to the snail Inflectarius downieanus also known as the dwarf globelet Through this website you will be able to find out about it's classification, where they are found, similar eating habits as other snails, how they reproduce, and other interactions that the snail Inflectarius downieanus could have with other organisms.

This is not a picture of the Inflectarius downieanus.  The name of this snail is Inflectarius inflectus.  We were not able to find a picture of the species Inflectarius downieanus, but we did find a picture of a species in the same genus.  They have a similar appearance.

To visit our university website click here UW-L

This webpage is just a part of a bigger website, to see other organism that students have
researched go to Multiple Organisms

To see all the different land snails that have been discovered click on this link Land Snails of Wisconsin.

Created  4/8/2012