Welcome to our Page!

This webpage is dedicated to the black finned clownfish, otherwise known as Amphiprion percula.  We hope to teach you everything you need to know and more about our little Nemo!  This is a famous fish, and is one of the main reasons why we chose this fish for our website organism.  Also a member in our group actually owns a salt water fish tank with his very own Nemo, Amphiprion percula, and Dory, Paracanthurus hepatus!   








This webpage is part of a class for UW-La Crosse Biology students, where everyone chooses a different species and creates an interesting webpage.  If you want information on different species you can check out other UWL students work at multipleorganisms.net.

The top image on every page is a picture of Josh's fish tank.

Last modified: 11 April 2013