Five Fun Facts
1. Silene latifolia is also known as the grave flower or flower
of the dead in parts of Europe because of its growth around the
2. Silene latifolia has up to seven different titles including but
not limited to Silene latifolia, Silene alba, bladder campion,
white campion, the grave flower, evening lychnis, and white
cockle (Garden
Organic, 2013).
3. The entire plant is densely hairy (Brandeis,
4. Extracts from roots and leaves of white campion are extremely
toxic to mosquito larvae (OARDC,
5. Silene latifolia has dehiscent fruit, which
means the fruit cracks open when it is ripe (Go
Botany, 2013).
So Spotless
An interesting fact about
Silene latifolia is its roots can be used to make a soap
substitute. It works great for all your clothes if you
aren't by a washing machine. Just follow the few simple steps
to the right, and you will be on your way to spotless clothes (PFAF,