
The name Sepia apama is split into two parts. The first, Sepia, is the Latinized form of the Ancient Greek word σηπία, which means cuttlefish (sepia, 2013). The second part, apama, was the name of Apama I, the wife of the first ruler of the Seleucid Empire in 324 BC (Apama, 2013).

Domain- Eukarya
    The Australian Giant Cuttlefish is defined as Eukarya because of its complex cells, organelles bound by membranes, and a nucleus witha a specific genetic code.

Kingdom- Animalia
    The Kingdom Animalia includes all organisms that have no alternation of generation, are mobile at some point in their lifecycle, and are multicellular. This Kingdom include organisms like the Blue Whale, the Mantis Shrimp, Peregrine Falcons, American Crocodiles, and the Fossa.

Phylum- Mollusca
    To be a part of the Phylum Mollusca, an organism must have a mantle that secretes a plate or shell and also have two pairs of main nerve cords.

    Source: University of California Museum of Paleontology

Figure 1. Phylogenetic tree for the Phylum Mollusca based on morphological characteristics.

Class- Cephalopoda
    Cephalopoda includes all organisms that have bilateral symmetry as well as a set of arms or tentacles.  It includes animals like the Coconut Octopus, the Humboldt Squid, nautilus and the Common Cuttlefish.

    Source: University of California Museum of Paleontology

Figure 2. Phylogentic tree for the Class Cephalopoda. The Order Sepiida is part of Sepioidea in the tree.

Order- Sepiida
    Sepiida is the oder for only one type of organism, the cuttlefish.  It includes all 100+ species.

Family- Sepiidae

Genus- Sepia  

Species- Sepia apama

(Encyclopedia of Life, 2013)

Next, check out where they live!


Source: Thierry Rakotoarivelo