The Margined Carrion Beetle
Welcome to my webpage on Oiceoptoma noveboracense,
otherwise known as the margined carrion beetle. This common
name was given to the beetle because of it's orange-red margins on
the pronotum, which is used to help identify the species (Oiceoptoma
noveboracense, a member of Carrion Beetles 2013). The
scientific name of this beetle translates into “pertaining to New
York,” for the obvious reason that the species originated there (Bug
Guide 2012).
I invite you to poke around on my webpage to your heart’s content.
In it, I will tell you all about how the margined carrion beetle is
classified and
where it lives. You will also be able to find whom it
interacts with and how it is helpful in the medical field.
If you want to learn more about the margined carrion beetle, check
out my
sources I used for this project. Otherwise, you can
visit my
about me page and contact me with any questions you may
Also, take some time to check out Multiple Organisms to see all of the other organisms that my past and current classmates have researched. And, make sure to take a look at what has been going on at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse!
Click here to continue to the Classification page