
       The Schizocosa mccooki is the only wolf spider that can tolerate abiotic conditions and survive in meadows (Suttle, 2003). The S. mccooki shows an uncommon trait related to other wolf spiders in the area in that it has a higher tolerance to different temperatures and aridity (Sharp, 2013). The S. mccooki has adapted to the temperature fluctuations in the colder months by developing a sort of hibernated state. Near the end of summer the S. mccooki dig burrows where they den up for the long winter months ahead, but they don’t actually hibernate. They instead become torpid, or inactive (Merriam-Webster, 2013). They only come out of their dens on the warmest winter days only toConsent for use by: Peter J. Bryant, University of California, Irvine possibly get food, otherwise they remain completely inactive throughout the winter. In these burrows crafted by the S. mccooki, the walls are varnished with a thin layer of silk to act as an insuluator during these winter months (Suttle, 2003).  Another strange function of the S. mccooki and all wolf spiders have that no other spider species seems to have is that after their young hatch, the offspring all crawl on to their mothers back and she carries them for about a week (Sharp, 2013). The mother S. mccooki carries the offspring in order to protect them until they have matured enough to go out on their own. A unique adaptation that is expressed by the S. mccooki can be seen while forging for food. In an instance when the S. mccooki is out matched by the competitor, the wolf spider will willingly trade an appendage in exchange for preserving a life. Now hindered by the loss of a limb, the S. mccooki can only survive for so long. In most situations that the wolf spider will face in the future, the success rate will be hindered due to the handicap of shortage of a single limb or multiples.The S. mccooki wolf spider kills its prey in an interesting way. It uses its long legs to grab the prey, then using its mouth it holds and crushes the prey, while the fangs inject venom to kill it and actually begin the process of indigestion (Sharp, 2013). But one thing about the wolf spider is that it does not always kill just to eat, it seems that at times the wolf spider may kill just to kill (Sharp, 2013). There is some evidence that this helps keep down various insect populations, but there is no evidence why the spiders do it. One last adaptation is how the males attract the females. They drum themselves with their legs to show their interest in the female. The beats differ from spider to spider, the successful male drumming will result in the pronouncement of a mate (Sharp, 2013). Thus allowing the reproduction process to begin.  

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