Taricha granulosa

Works Cited

Amphibiaweb 2013. <URL: http://amphibiaweb.org/cgi-bin/amphib_query?where-genus=Taricha&where-species=granulosa>.  Accessed 2 November 2013.

Animal Diversity Web 2008. <URL: http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/Taricha_ granulosa/>. Accessed 2 November 2013.

B.C. Frogwatch Program 2013. <URL: http://www.env.gov.bc.ca/wld/frogwatch/publications/factsheets/salamanders/roughskin.htm>. Accessed 31 October

Brodie III, E.D, E.D. Brodie Jr. 1999. Predator-Prey Arms Races. Bioscience 49:557-568

California Herps 2013. <URL: http://www.californiaherps.com/salamanders/pages/t.granulosa.html>. Accessed 2 November 2013.

Caudata Culture 2002. <URL: http://www.caudata.org/cc/species/Taricha/T_granulosa.shtml>. Accessed 3 December 2013.

Gall, B.G, A.A. Farr, S.G. Engel, E.D. Brodie Jr. 2011.Toxic prey and predator avoidance: responses of toxic newts to chemical stimuli from a predator and
        injured conspecifics. Northwestern Naturalist 92:1-6

Gall, B.G, A.N. Stokes, S.S. French, E.A. Schlepphorst, E.D. Brodie III, E.D. Brodie Jr. 2011. Tetrodotoxin levels in larval and metamorphosed (Taricha
        granulosa) and palatability to predatory dragonflies. Toxicon 57: 978-983.  

Gall, B.G., A.N. Stokes, S.S. French, E.D. Brodie III and E.D. Brodie Jr. 2012. Female newts (Taricha Granulosa) produce tetrodotoxin laden eggs after
        long term captivity. Toxicon 60:1057-1062.

Hanifin, C.T., E.D. Brodie III and E.D. Brodie Jr. 2002. Tetrodotoxin levels of the rough-skin newt, Taricha granulose, increase in long-term captivity. Toxicon

Hopkins, G.R., S.S. French and E.D. Brodie Jr. 2012. Increased frequency and severity of developmental deformities in rough-skinned newt (Taricha
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Jones, A.G., J.R. Arguello and S.J. Arnold. 2002. Validation of Bateman’s  principles: a genetic study of sexual selection and mating patterns in the rough-
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Moczydlowski, E.G. 2012. The molecular mystique of tetrodotoxin. Toxicon 63:165-183.

Moore, F.L, L.J. Miller. 1984. Stress-Induced inhibition of sexual-behavior – cortiscosterone inhibits courtship behaviors of a male amphibian (Taricha
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Propper, C.R. 1991. Courtship in the rough-skinned newt Taricha granulosa. Animal Behavior 41:547-544.

Ridenhour, B.J, E.D. Brodie Jr., E.D. Brodie III. 2007. Patterns of genetic differentiation in Thamnophis and Taricha from the Pacific Northwest. Journal of
        Biogeography 34:724-735.

Rough-skinned Newt, Taricha granulsa 2013. <URL: http://www.aquatic.uoguelph.ca/amphibians/amphib/accounts/salamandridae/rough/account.htm>.
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Stokes, A.N, D.G. Cook, C.T. Hanifin, E.D. Brodie III, E.D. Brodie Jr. 2011. Sex-biased predation on newts of the genus Taricha by a novel predator and its
        relationship with tetrodotoxin toxicity. The American Midland Naturalist 165:389-399.

Tetrodotoxin - the Neurotoxin. 2001. <URL: http://www.life.umd.edu/grad/mlfsc/zctsim/Tetrodo.html>. Accessed 3 December 2013.

Tree of Life web project 2004. <URL: http://tolweb.org/tree/phylogeny.html>. Accessed 25 November 2013.

Willapa 2013. <URL: http://www.fws.gov/refuge/willapa/wildlife_and_habitat/rough_skinned_newt.html>. Accessed 25 September 2013.

If you are interested in continuing your learning experience about the Rough-skinned Newt, we encourage you to visit these websites and continue to expand your knowledge about this fascinating creature.

1. California Herps
2. AmphibiaWeb
3. Animal Diversity Web
4. Brodie Lab

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