Fast fun facts
Want to try octopus as a dish? Click here!
Check out this video of an octopus vs. shark here.
Here is a video of a variety of different octopuses moving around the ocean floor.
Fishermen often cut off the tip of an octopus's arm and use it as bait because it will still continue to wiggle.
Octopuses do not have bones. They are able to fit their bodies into/through any space like a beer bottle. To watch the video click here!
An octopus can lose an arm and grow another one back!
Octopuses has blue blood!
Octopuses have three hearts and nine brains!
Figure 1. Giant Red Octopus. Charlene - SJ. 2008.
An average female Giant Pacific Octopus in Alaska can lay 90,000 eggs.
Octopuses are carnivorous and are completely okay with eating the the hatchlings of other octopuses.
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