
Linum marginale, a perennial herb commonly called Native flax or Wild flax is indigenous to Australia, however it is widespread but uncommon.  Across southern Australia, Linum marginale can be found in a broad range of habitats including the sandy loams in the subalpine and montane zones, grasslands, and open forests (Ken Fern/Plants for a Future).  The montane zone has high precipitation, temperatures above zero degrees Celsius, and have little snow fall.  The subalpine zone has an average midsummer temperature above ten degrees Celsius and also has very high precipitation.  Here snow is common for one or more months (Australian Alps National Park).  Linum marginale prefers full sun to light shade, thrives in a variety of soils, and can tolerate snow and frost.  Suitable pH levels of soil include neutral, acidic, or alkaline with loamy or sandy textures.  An ideal soil for Linum marginale is moist yet well drained (Practical Plants). 


In the spring, new shoots will mature and the plant will flower from spring to late summer before dying away in preparation for the snow and frost.  Surrounding vegetation protects the plant from the harsh conditions of winter allowing Linum marginale to regrow the following year (Thrall et al, 2002). 







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