Tanystrophenus longobardicus fossils


Since the Tanystropheus longbardicus was an aquatic animal, the main diet of this organism includes small fish, squid, carrion and occasionally floating carcasses for other nutrition.  Squid; prey of Tanystropheus longobardicusEvidence of this comes from a long, narrow snout that has sharp interlocking teeth (Facts about Tanystropheus n.d.). We can also compare this to matching teeth patterns in Eudimorphodon and Langobardisaurus, both of whom were also fish eater (Facts about Tanystropheus n.d.).  Fish scales and parts of cephalopod tentacles have been found near the belly region, which also supports the fish diet (Facts about Tanystropheus n.d.). The long necks become an advantage in hunting, because the predator can closely approach prey before their whole body would become apparent (Li et al. 2004).  Contraction of the muscles of the ribs would straighten the neck and cause the esophageal volume to increase (Li et al. 2004).  This increase in the volume combined with a lunging of the neck would cause a suctioning pressure and the organism would perform a perfect strike to capture and eat its prey (Li et al. 2004).  T. longobardicus would also walk back and forth in the shallow shorelines, using their long neck to look for prey just above the water line (Renesto, S. 2005). BBC Sea Monsters image of Tanystropheus longobardicusHowever, this theory has been thought of as false due to the fact that T. longobardicus consumed fish.