Looking for a few quick facts?
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  • Vibrio salmonicida is found in a marine enviroment.
  • Vibrio salmonicida causes Cold-water Vibrosis.
  • Vibrio salmonicida  is rod-shaped, motile, and acts as a pathogen to several fish species.
  • Vibrio is not bioluminescent (Fidopiastis 1998).
  • Vibrio salmonicida has the ability to monitor the density of bacteria in the blood of its host and then regulate its production to ensure fatal infection (Bjelland et al. 2012 b).
  • Vibrio salmonicida can survive for a significant amount of time independently in water; however, they live most of their lives within the anatomy of a fish (Farmer III and Hickman-Brenner, 1991).
  • Vibrio salmonicida has no effect on human beings pathologically (Alivibrio salmonicida).
  • To this day, not much is known about this organism's life cycle.

Now that we have fed your hunger for knowledge...how about a couple delicious recipes using salmon! (Salmon that is NOT infected by this nasty bacteria.) Try looking at these sites for great healthy recipes!

Allrecipes.com has a great variety of recipes that include salmon:

The Food Network also offers a host of delicious looking recipes from Salmon Cakes to Asian Grilled Salmon:

Lastly Taste of Home lists hundreds of different Salmon recipes for both non-members and members:

Looking for a do or don't guide for salmon?
Can you guess which salmon meat would be safe to eat?  Dead Fish

If you guessed the meat on the right, you have a good eye! That is definitely the better choice between the two. See those red marks on the meat to the left? That is the infection in the blood caused by Vibrio salmonicida, and is somehting you definitely do NOT want to eat.

How do you think the fish became infected?Internal organs

Research supports that Vibrio salmonicida enters the fish through the gills. It is not known whether the bacteria enters through the mouth, but many would speculate that it does. If you want to learn more about how the organism interacts with a fish, check out the Interaction page.

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