Dancing with the Devil
Often found in the stomachs of Moloch horridus lives both parasitic nematode worms and tape worms (Dewey, 2009). Some specific examples include Oochoristica piankai, Parapharyngodon kartana, and Abbreviata species (Dewey, 2009). Recently a new species of tapeworm was discovered in the Thorny Devil, which leads to the effect they have on humans. These organisms likely use the ants (Iridomyrmex purpureus) as a reservoir to enter the stomachs of the lizard (Dewey 2009).
Humans basically have only two general uses for the Moloch horridus, and that is for research and education. They make fascinating creatures to place in zoos and things like that. Thorny Devils do not have any negative effects on humans (Dewey, 2009). Moloch horridus has several predators, including Australian Bustards, Black-Breasted Buzzards, Sand Goannas, Racehorse Monitor Lizards, and Humans (Dewey, 2009). Moloch horridus uses its camoflage like body to blend in with the sand and hide form these predators (Pianka, 2014).
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Moloch horridus