Odobenus rosmarus is the only member of the family Odobenidae (Boessenecker 2013)
Female walruses are called cows and the male walruses are called bulls (Riedman 1990)
Female walruses tend to choose their mate based on the visual and vocal displays the males perform (Riedman 1990)
Walruses display the most elaborate courtship of all pinnipeds prior to mating (Riedman 1990)
Walruses spend the majority of their lifetime either in, or near, water (Baker 2013)
Walruses live in a power system, with the oldest and strongest having the most power (Baker 2013)
Tusks of male walruses can weigh up to a total of ten pounds (Riedman 1990)
Walruses tend to stick together in very large groups, even when they are not mating (Riedman 1990)
Walrus tusks, on average, grow to about 50cm, but can reach up to 90cm (Baker 2013)
Walruses give birth only on land or ice, never in the water (Riedman 1990)
Walruses migrate north during the summer months, and south during the winter months (Baker 2013)
Females tend to care for their young for long periods of time which can be anywhere between one and four years (Riedman 1990)
Walruses are known to be one of the largest pinnipeds (Baker 2013)
Females enter into estrus again four months after giving birth (Riedman 1990)
The average lifespan of pinnipeds is between 15-20 years (Riedman 1990)
Walruses mostly consume bivalve mollusks which they dig up from the ocean floor (Baker 2013)
Walruses dig big holes in the ocean floor in order to obtain their food (Kastelein 1988)
Walruses do not dig with their tusks, but with their front flippers (Kastelein 1988)
Walruses mainly inhabit the Arctic, Northern Pacific, and Northern Atlantic Oceans (Kastelein 1988)
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