Contact Me


My name is Janelle Ausloos and this web-page was created as part of a larger project at:

I am currently a senior at the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, where I will graduate with a B.S. in Biology and minor in chemistry May of 2010. I hope to continue my studies in medical school and eventually become an

Having lived in the Wisconsin countryside my entire life, I’ve grown up with a great love and appreciation for the outdoors...and the Packers! Spending time kayaking, fishing, and boating on the numerous lakes and rivers Wisconsin has to offer has given me a chance to experience and learn about  many different aquatic species up close, but before this project I hadn’t heard of the green heron.

This project has given me a chance to get to know this shy but clever wading bird that’s a relative to the more famous great blue heron. I hope my site has given you a similar opportunity, but if you have any questions about the content of this webpage please feel free to
contact me at: