Sugar Maple: Acer saccharum
Where does Acer saccharum live?
Acer saccharum is uniquely found only in North American regions with cool and moist climates. This region includes the New England and the Great Lakes states of the United States as well as regions of Canada including parts of Ontario and Manitoba.
Within these regions of North America, Sugar Maple trees normally grow in areas where the soil is relatively deep and moist and has a pH between 5.5 and 7.3. Sugar Maples do not grow well in areas where the soil is dry and shallow. They also are rarely found in regions where the soil is too moist, such as swamps.
Sugar Maple trees are important parts of the ecosystem of many North American forests and have adapted themselves to live in these areas of high shade. To learn more about their importance to the ecosystem and other kinds of organisms that live in the same habitat, refer to the Interactions page. To learn more about their various adaptations refer to the Adaptations page.
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