Flower Blossoms

Medicinal Value

For centuries before modern science and technology, medicine was practiced traditionally by medicine men and women.  Incorporation of Pongamia plant parts is very common in Ayurvedha and Siddha Indian medicine practices.  In addition to the properties in the table below,  Pongamia pinnata exhibits many pharmacological attributes.   First, anti-Plasmodial characteristics make P. pinnata important to treat malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum.  Next, the leaves of the Pongam tree exhibit anti-inflammatory qualities as well as anti-diarrheal activity; also, the leaf extracts are antioxidants.  Pongamia prevents ulcers by protecting damage from aspirin.  It may also provide diabetic patients with a safer anti-hyperglycemic drug. Seeds and Seedpods
Image taken by Forest & Kim Starr
Plant Part Medicinal Value
Flower Used to treat bleeding hemorrhoids, or piles
Fruit Aid treatment of abdominal tumors, female genital tract infections, ulcers, and hemorrhoids
Seed Extracts can be used to heal scar tissue tumors, treat high blood pressure, and treat anemia
Powder reduces fever and helps in treating bronchitis and whooping cough
(extracted from seed)
Used as an astringent and to kill parasitic worms
Helpful in treating whooping cough, piles, liver pain, chronic fever, ulcers, and leprosy
Relieves sore joints and muscles and arthritis
Used to treat eczema and other skin irritations when mixed with zinc oxide
Leaf Whole leaves used as a digestive and laxative and to treat inflammation and wounds
Leaf juice aids in treatment of leprosy, gonorrhea, diarrhea, flatulence, coughs, and colds
Leaf infusions and extracts alleviate rheumatism and itches, respectively
Stem Extracts used to lower or relieve fever and to sedate the central nervous system
Bark Relieves coughs and colds, reduces spleen inflammation, and mental disorder
Useful for treatment of bleeding piles
Root Used as a toothbrush for oral hygiene, used for killing parasitic worms, and used to treat vaginal and skin diseases
Juice used to clean ulcers and to close open sores
Mixed with  coconut milk and lime water, juice can treat gonorrhea
Flowering Tree On to Pongamia pinnata's Interactions with Other Organisms

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Image taken by Forest & Kim Starr