About Me
Hello! My name is Ruth Gaona. I hope that this website had been useful to you for whatever purpose it was used for. Doing this website was something that was both challenging yet interesting while learning a new skill that could be used for many different aspects in the future. I really enjoyed it because I do like doing research even though it is very time consuming.
Anyway, I was born in Texas and moved to Minnesota when I was 10. Ever since then, I lived in MN and came to Wisconsin for my higher education. I really do enjoy living here in La Crosse. It has a great community and many opportunities of advancement both educationally and personally. Furthermore, I am majoring in Biology with a concentration in Biomedical Science. I hope to someday become a Physician Assistant in the military. Right now, I am going on more than three years in the Minnesota National Guard as a combat medic. However, I am very open to what my future will bring. Anything in the medical field would be enough for me. I am also very interested in doing laboratory work. I have done much personal research in the biotechnology field after having written an informational paper for my college English course.
Overall, I am continually working on bettering myself in many aspects of my life. There is always room for improvement, and I can always work on something to ultimately achieve any goal I set my sights on.
Thank you again for visiting my website. If you have any further questions for me email me at ruth.gaona@uwlax.edu or you could also email my professors at volk.thom@uwlax.edu and sandland.greg@uwlax.edu
Note: If you would like to learn more about where I go for my college education click on the university logo at the bottom of the page.