Hello! My name is Ashley Smith and I am currently a freshman at the University of La Crosse. I am majoring in biology with a concentration in biomedical sciences with a minor in chemistry. I hope to go to medical school once I earn my undergraduate degree and my ultimate goal is to become an anesthesiologist.
I love being outside and being active. I get
antsy if I just sit
around doing nothing, so I’m not a big fan of winter since it’s cold
outside. This is when I usually revert to playing my Super Nintendo,
which is the best game system ever, and watching football. I also
really enjoy drawing and I like calling myself an artist
I created this webpage for my Organismal Biology class. The theme this year was an organism with a medicinal purpose. I found that fireflies fell into that category and I got really excited when I was able to use them mainly because fireflies surround my house in the summer time so they remind me of home and I wanted to learn more about them.
If you have any questions feel free to contact me at: smith.ash2@uwlax.edu
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Explore many other organisms at http://www.MultipleOrganisms.net
Visit my school's website at www.uwlax.edu