
There are many different kinds of ants in this world and each has different ways of reproducing.  Reproduction in ants can be compared by how many queens head the colony, worker reproduction, and the mating frequency of that queen.  Ants have been known to reproduce both sexually and asexually.  This makes it very easy for ants to reproduce in large numbers.  They produce worker ants, and if needed, another queen ant (Leniaud et al. 2011).  Ants are constantly communicating with one another to keep the colony thriving (Leniaud et al. 2011).  If the colony is struggling, they will reproduce when needed (Leniaud et al. 2011). 

Cataglyphis bombycina reproduce in a very special way.  They have a Monogyny colony, a colony consisting of only one queen (Leniaud et al. 2011).  This one queen is responsible for reproducing and running the colony.  In the colony, there are even workers that can reproduce also (Leniaud et al. 2011).  Primarily, the workers are not able to reproduce, but in the right conditions the worker ants take on a queen-like role to reproduce (Leniaud et al. 2011). 

They will produce diploid eggs through Thelytoky, a type of Parthenogenesis (Leniaud et al. 2011).  The offspring will either become a worker or a queen.   This is a great way for the colony to still survive if the queen dies off or goes missing. 

Many colonies are run by worker produced queens because the queen's life span is very short (Lenoir et al. 2010).  Thelytokous Parthenogenesis is only used when it is really needed.  Since the colony is Monogyny, they only need one queen; therefore, producing more than one queen through Thelytokous Parthenogenesis would be unnecessary. 

Having a Monogyny colony means that the males can only reproduce once with the female, but the female will reproduce with all of the males.  The queen will mate with up to 14 males (Lenoir et al. 2010).  The queen wants to mate with as many males as she can to keep the colony alive and going. 

Even though C. bombycina do not need mating in order to create diploid offspring, they have retained sexual reproduction to produce worker ants.  By combining sexual and asexual reproduction, queens have increased the spreading of their genes while still keeping the genetic diversity in the worker ants (Lenoir et al. 2010). 

C. bombycina has adapted to its own habitat, not only through their behavior, but through their reproduction, as well.  The environment they live in is very dangerous. They have adapted to this by the Monogyny colony, and the possible reproduction of worker ants. 

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