
Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Excavata

Phylum: Percolozoa

Class: Heterolobosea

Order: Schizopyrenida 

Family: Vahlkampfiidae

Genus: Naegleria

Species: fowleri

(The Citizens Compedium, Naegleria fowleri, 2013)

Eukaryote: More complex cells than prokaryotes, the genetic material is held in the membrane bound
nucleus, contains many organelles. Another organism found in this domain is the koala.
Excavata: usually lack typical mitochondria, most have more than one flagella used for locomotion, also
known for the feeding groove on its side. Trichomonas vaginalis is an organism also found in the excavata rank but not in the same class.
Percolozoa: colorless protozoa, can transform between three different stages (amoeboid, flagellate, and
Heterolobosea: move with eruptive bulges, show transformation of different flagellate stages, disk
Schizopyrenida: has monopodial cylindrically shape, has temporary flagellate stage
Vahlkampfiidae: uninucleate, can transform from amoeba to flagellate, forms polar masses in mitosis
Naegleria: 47 different species

(De Jonckheere, 2008)

Naegleria was named after the French zoologist Mathieu Naegler.

            Naegleria fowleri  is found in the Eukaryota domain because they contain eukaryotic cells. What also classifies N. fowleri under this domain is they have DNA in the nucleus in their cells and membrane bound organelles in their cells too.

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                   Naegleria fowleri  is found in the Excavata Kingdom on this phylogenetic tree. It is under this kingdom because they have two flagella during their flagellate stage.

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