What am I?

Welcome to the classification page! Here you will find out more about the ancestors of Galago senegalensis. This can be done by explaining the domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, and genus of this organism, which is found below!

This organism is composed of complex cells that contain a nucleus. This domain consists of Plantae, Animalia, Fungi and a lot of other organisms as well. The word Eukaryote originates from the Greek word “Eus” which means true and “Karyon” which stands for nucleus.

The characteristics of this kingdom consist of organisms that are multicellular in nature. They are usually heterotrophs that possess mitochondria to power their cells. The animals are usually motile and there is an adaptation of an internal cavity.(Myers, 2001)

This phylum consists of insects, reptiles, birds and primates. They possess a dorsal, nerve chord that stretches across the entire body of the organism with a developed brain. There is presence of a well-developed coelom and a body with a bilateral symmetry. The organisms usually possess a bony or cartilaginous endoskeleton within its body. The phylogeny below shows the classification of the Animalia kingdom. See if you can follow the description so far to end up at Galago senegalensis' phylum Chordata! (Myers, 2001)

The unique characteristics of this class are as follows; three middle ear bones, mammalian glands, and mammalian hair(Myers, 2001). The middle ear bones (malleus, incus, and stapes) are used in the transfer of sound into the inner ear through vibrations of the eardrum(Myers, 2001). This feature also helps to aid balancing in mammals. Mammalian hair is evident at some stage in the organism’s life cycle. It functions as an insulator and acts as a sensor for touch. The main unique feature of this class that is important to remember is the mammary glands (Myers, 2001). It is an adapted sweat gland that is responsible for producing milk that nourishes the new offspring. (Myers, 2001)

The animals that occupy this class inhabit arboreal regions usually. They could be found in tropical locations as well. The organisms feed on fruits, insects and sometimes meat (Gron, 2008). They are distinguished by the occurrence of skull, teeth and limbs (Myers, 2000). Collarbones (clavicle) can be visible through the skin of these primates (Myers, 2000).

The primates in this family are usually small in size and quick. They possess elongated hind limbs for climbing, and a long tail. They have ears that are large and motile (Gron, 2008). The primates are nocturnal in nature and their hands and feet adapt well to grabbing branches (Gron, 2008)

This categorizes the bush babies in general. This constitutes many of the Galago species that include; G. senegalensis, G. cameronensis, G. alleni, G. granti, G. gabonensis, G. Orinus and a few others (Gron, 2008).

Species-Galago senegalensis

It is unclear where the scientific name Galago senegalensis comes from. One idea is that the term 'galago' came from the Wolof word for monkey, golo (Galago, 2013). Wolof is the language of Senegal. Senegalensis means that the bush baby originates in Senegal (Galago, 2013).



This phylogeny shows the family of the Galagidae, according to University of Texas- Austin's Department of Anthropology. Otolemur is different from the other two in that that species has small ears, and a red tint in the fur (Santilli, 2002). The species Euoticus has very claw-like nails, compared to the more dull nails of the other two species on this phylogeny (Santilli, 2002). Click this link to view the website from the university in full, with all of its detailed information! To continue the journey through the life of the bush baby, click above this page on the habitat tab!





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