Picture of a male Carpenter Bee used with permission from http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/63/Xylocopa-varipuncta-male.jpg

Contact Us

Hey guys! My name is Jake Holum, I'm currently a junior at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse. I'm involved in the pre-pa and pre-med programs here and hope to either become a physicians assistant or a children's physician. My website partner, Ian, and I made this website for our organimsal biology class here at the university. We both did our own two pages then collaborated on the rest. I did the Habitat and the Interactions pages. If you have any other questions feel free to email me at holum.jaco@uwlax.edu

Jacob Holum

     Hey everyone, my name is Ian Schwanda and I am a junior at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse. Currently I am majoring in Biology Education in hopes to someday become a high school science teacher. This website on Xylocopa varipuncta was done for an Organismal Biology class at UW-L. I personally created the pages covering Form and Function as well as Reproduction and Life History. If you have any questions for me about the website or information covered in it please contact me at schwanda.ian@uwlax.edu.
