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This page was created over the course of our fall 2013 Organismal Biology class at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse.  We designed this site to further our knowledge as future professionals in the science field.  It was also created to educate others on the phenomenal organism: Sceloporus occidentalis.  Listed below are the names of the creators of the page and our background information.  

Taylor Gut: University of LaCrosse sophomore majoring in biology with a psychology minor.  Future career goals undecided. Had the privelege of writing the what it eats and what eats it, also known as nutrition and interactions.

Jonathon Free: Junior majoring in biology, minoring in Psychology at University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse.  After graduation plans to attend graduate school for physical therapy. Booya. Jon wrote the habitat and the interesting facts pages.

Cienna Hopkins: Psychology major, biology minor with an emphasis in physician’s assistant.  Sophomore at University of LaCrosse. Cienna had the privelege of writing the reproduction and form and function pages.

We can all be contacted by our emails:
Taylor Gut
Jon Free
Cienna Hopkins

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