
Domain: Eukarya

The Stenella clymene is classified in the Eukarya domain because the organism has cells that contain a nucleus and other organelles enclosed by membranes.

Kingdom: Animalia

This kingdom contains multicellular eukaryotic organisms which includes the Stenella clymene.

Figure 2. The Stenella clymene occupies the domain Eukaryota and the kingdom of Animalia. This phylogenetic tree illustrates the relationships between the Eukaryotes.

Phylum: Chordata

The phylum Chordata includes the Stenella clymene because it is an organism that has a true vertebrae, is a deuterosome (embryo develops anus first), and has a notochord.

Class: Mammalia

The Stenella clymene belongs in the mammalia class because it is a warm blooded vertebrate characterized by mammary glands in the female.

Order: Cetacea

The order cetacea is characterized by being a marine mammal which includes the Stenella clymene.

Figure 3. The Stenella clymene is a part of the Cetacea order which can be found near the top of this phylogenetic tree. This tree represtents how the organisms in the mammalia class relate to each other and all have a common ancestor. The data illustrates morphological traits among orders.

Family: Delphinidae

The Stenella clymene is a toothed dolphin of relatively small size which is why it belongs to the delphinidae family.


Genus: Stenella

The genus of Stenella can be classified by a long, narrow snout with a dark back and fins along with a white abdomen. The sides are are gray or white in color with one or two stripes.


Species: Stenella clymene

 The word "Clymene" is derived from the Greek word "klymenos" meaning "notorious".



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