Pallid Bat Face. Photo obtained from the National Park Service.Crouching Pallid Bat. Photo obtained from minicooper93402.Pallid Bat drying on post. Photo obtained with permision from Jayaretea Snaps.

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Thanks for visiting our website! We hoped you learned a lot about Antrozous pallidus. This website was designed as an assignment for our Organismal Biology class at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse, with the intention of teaching students the correct way to research, site, and share information on an organism.

Lydia Korte
    Email -
    November 2013
    Responsible For: Adaptation, Reproduction, Classification, and Interesting Facts

I am currently a sophomore at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse. I am majoring in Biology with a healthcare science concentration, while double minoring in Chemistry and Spanish. I hope to attend a Physician's Assistant program in graduate school for Obstetrics and Gynecology.


Amy Schweitzer
Email -
    November 2013
    Responsible For: Habitat, Interactions/Nutrition, Classification, and Interesting Facts

I am a senior at the University of Wisconsin - La Crosse. I am majoring in bio-medical science with a pre-medicine second major and am obtaining minors in chemistry, German, and nutrition. I plan to attend medical school to become an orthopedic surgeon after I complete my undergraduate education.


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