Tanystrophenus longobardicus fossils


Phylogenetic Tree of Tanystropheus longobardicus

Domain: Eukaryota

Kingdom: Animalia

Phylum: Chordata

Class: Reptilia

Order: Prolacertiformes

Family: Tanystropheidae

Genus: Tanystropheus

Species: Tanystropheus longobardicus

Tanystropheus longobardicus was classified in the domain Eukaryota because
this species cells contain a nuclei (Youngson, 2006). The kingdom Animalia then follows the domain because T. longobardicus was a multicellular eukaryotic organism that exhibits motility at some point in their life cycle (Shapiro, 2012). Because this organism possessed evidence of a notochord, a hollow dorsal nerve cord, pharyngeal  slits and a post-anal tail for a least some period of its life this species falls in the phylum Chordata (Rychel, Smith,Shiamoto,2006), which includes the super class Tetrapoda because of this species four limbs. This organism also falls under the class Repitilia because of the pattern of the openings in its skull (Clack, 2006). The order of Prolacertiformes fits this organism because it has snyapomorphies of a long neck formed by elongated cervical vertebrae with ribs that extend backward to several vertebrae behind them (Sues and Fraser, 2010). The T. longobardicus fits within the family of Tanystropheidae because of its marine habitat and long, stiff neck (Rieppel et al, 2010). The tie to the Genus Tanystropheus comes from its diet of fish, inferred through its long, narrow snout; sporting sharp, interlocking teeth (Renesto, 2005). The species name comes from the three-cusped cheek teeth that were present in the jaw, indicating piscivory (a diet of fish) (Fraser, 2006).

Phylogenetic tree of Life