Other Facts
Glossary of Terms
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Glossary of Terms

ambulacral - one of the radial areas bearing tube feet
atrophy - degeneration
bilateral symmetry - a body plan in which an organism's left and right sides are exact mirror images of one another
chloroplast - the organelle in plants where chlorophyll is located for photosynthesis
cilia - very small hair-like organelles used for locomotion
coelom - a body cavity created by division of the mesoderm
diffusion - the passive movement of atoms or molecules by means of moving from high concentration to low concentration
dioecious - a species having separate male and female individuals
dorsal - upper side of the body
endoskeleton - an internal supporting skeleton or framework
gametes - mature sexual reproductive cells
heterotrophic - an organism that cannot make its own food
hydrostatic skeleton - a system that provides support and locomotion by means of utilizing pressure from a fluid-filled cavity and surrounding muscles
madreporite - a plate that allows for water to enter the water vascular system
monophyletic - having evolved from one common ancestor
motile - possessing the ability to move
nucleus - an organelle responsible for housing DNA
olfactory sense - senses pertaining to smell
organelle - a specialized part of a cell that has a specific function (a cell organ)
pedicellariae - very small, pincher-like structures used for cleaning and sometimes capturing very small prey
pentaradial symmetry - a form of radial symmetry that can only be broken into planes of multiples of five
polyphyletic - having evolved from more than one common ancestor
triploblastic - having three germ layers
ventral - under side of the body

Send questions or comments to richards.mic2@students.uwlax.edu