Interesting Facts

  • Snow leopards are breed all across the world in zoos to k phto credit: Max Waugheep their population genetically diverse
  • The main reason snow leopards are on the endangered species list is the constant pursuit for their fur
  • A full length coat will consist of about six to ten full body skins of snow leopards and would cost around $60,000
  • The total number of wild snow leopards is hard to estimate but is predicted to be between 2,000 and 7,500
  • Snow leopards can not roar instead if they do make sounds it comes out as a high-pitched yowl
  • Snow leopards purr photo credit : Tim Knight
  • Snow leopards are not true leopards
  • Although, true leopards have rosettes like the snow leopard does, the snow leopards rosettes are farther spaced apart and not as defined
  • Snow leopards bones are used in Chinese medicines another reasons they are hunted
  • The skeleton of a snow leopard can be sold for about $240photo credit: Julie Larsen Maher © WCS
  • They are listed on the IUCN’s Red list of Threatened Animals as Endangered
  • Males are 30% larger than females
  •  Some people collect endangered species furs to show off as a status symbol
  • It is illegal to poach snow leopards.