The Breakdown...



Kingdom: Plantae

Plants are multicellular organisms that are autotrophic (produce own food). They have cell wall made of cellulose that are used to store energy in the form of starch. Plants also have chlorophyll and other pigments used in the food producing process of photosynthesis.

Phylum:    Magnoliophyta

Members of the Magnoliophyta also called Angiosprems are flowering plants. These flowering plants have enclosed seeds and produce fruit.

Class:    Liliopsida

These flowering members are broken-down into monocots. Monocots have a single cotyledon with a fibrous root system and have vascular tissue to transport water and nutrients. The leaves of monocots are grouped in 3s or in multiples of 3s.

Order:    Zingiberales

Members of this order are tropical perennial plants. The leaves are large and display parallel venation. The inflorescence are composed of colorful bracts (flower protection).

Family:    Musaceae

Leaves and bracts are spirally arranged with unisexual flowers. Male and female flowers are separated by inflorescence. Produces fleshy fruit.

Genus:    Musa

Herbaceous perennials growing from underground rhizomes. Leaf blades are extensions of pseudostem. Fruit forms in clusters called hands. Fruit is fleshy, ivory-white in color with a firm but tender texture.

Species:    Musa acuminata (AAA)

Musa is the Arab pronunciation of the first banana metropolis giving the fruit its Latin name. The banana is also revered as the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Paradise.

Acuminata describes the banana as a “dessert” referring to the sweet taste. Together these Latin roots give us the Dessert Banana.

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