Gila Monsters exit
their hibernation stage to not just find food but also find a mating partner. The male Gila Monster shows its mating dominance through intense combat with another male. These battle can last for many hours. Each male has no intentions on hurting each other, but only to win the the chance to have the nearest female. The winner finds the female by scenting his way to her by the use of his tongue.
The females usually wait until the male finds her. He then approaches the female and crawls beside her. The male Gila Monster then pins the
female down with his back leg, and begins to lick her skin and rub his chin against her upper body. Eventually after minutes of
caressing the female, she accepts and lifts her tail, opening her vent. The male goes behind and connects his vent to hers. The male then enters his hemipenis.
Although the female Gila Monsters usually
mate in may, they do not usually lay their
eggs until late summer. The female digs a
hole and lays two to twelve eggs. These
eggs are buried into the ground, allowing
the sun to incubate them. The baby
lizards are not hatched untilthe next spring.
The baby Gila Monsters are hatched at a length
between four and six inches. They are born with sharp
teeth and venom. The young start their life on their own
without any training or experience from the parents.
They,like the adults, are extremely hard to determine
their sex, which is usually determined like behaviors
like battling or laying the eggs.