Contact Me
A special thanks to all of those that have helped. My parents, my sister Kendra, Peter, Liz, Brianna, Justin, T.P., of course Tom Volk and Robert Sandland, and many others. Thanks.
This website was created for Bio 203,
Organismal Biology at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse under Tom
Volk and Robert Sandland.
I thoroughly enjoyed researching,
learning and being able to express and share the knowledge I have
gathered. My favorite part of this project was the web designing and
layout. My favorite pages are Nutrition and Reproduction. The pictures
in the Reproduction section are stunning and really add a lot to the
page itself. Please, if you have any questions, comments, concerns or
anything you want to add or ask about, feel free to contact me. I would
love to hear your input.
God’s Speed.