Roosevelt Elk

Contact Me

My name is Thomas Gignac. I am a Freshman biology student at the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse. I am currently a biology major and created this website for my organismal biology class.

I have always been interested in wolves and mountain lions, and how they hunt. When given the opportunity to create a presentation about the prey that they hunt I jumped to the opportunity. Another great opportunity that was presented was the introduction to the national parks that the Roosevelt elk live in. I am an avid outdoors man and I have been on more than a few campouts. While researching the Roosevelt elk I was also given an opportunity to discover some of the largest and beautiful parks in the U.S. Since starting this research I have added quite a few stops i want to make when I am able to travel the U.S. Thank you for reading about the many enjoyable characteristics and interactions of the Roosevelt Elk.


If you have any questions or comments about my website please feel free to contact me at:


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