Contact Me

Hi, my name is Nick Hanson and I am currently a freshman at UW-La Crosse. At UW-L I am a biology major and my goal is to make it into medical school. I made this website on the bobwhite quail for my Organismal Biology class during my spring semester in 2012. I was assigned to create a website on an organism used for food. The bobwhite quail is a beautiful organism and is a popular bird to hunt, which is why I picked it for my website.

I am from Neenah, Wisconsin and I have lived there all my life. I enjoy running and being outdoors in general. Hiking (especially the bluff in La Crosse), camping, and camp fires are things I love most, especially with my friends. Music is something I need daily in my life. It helps me relax after a long day of studying. Some of my favorite bands are:  Rush, Led Zeppelin, Metallics, Megadeth, Red, The Beatles, Incubus, and Red Hot Chilli Peppers. I'm also a huge sports fan. My favorite teams are the Packers, Brewers, and Badgers. 

This class has taught me a lot about living organisms and has made me appreciate nature even more.

If you have any questions or comments please contact me at

Thank you for visiting my website, and I hope you learned a lot about the bobwhite quail.


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