Contact Me

Hello! I am Lindsay Hoessel and I am a student at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse! I made this website for my Spring 2013 Organismal Biology class. I am currently a sophomore at UWL and I am majoring in Biology with Concentrations in Biomedical Science and I am minoring in Chemistry. After obtaining my undergraduate degree I plan to attend graduate school to become a physician’s assistant. Helping people is my passion and I look forward to one day being able to work in a hospital doing what I love.







I hope you all had as much fun reading about Alexandrium tamarense as much as I did while researching it!



Once again, A special thanks to Dr. Thomas Volk, Dr. Gregory Sandland, and Dr. Gretchen Gerrish, who are all instructors of the course.




If you have any questions feel free to contact me!
Contact Information:
Lindsay Hoessel


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