
Star Nosed MoleStar Nosed Mole Breathing Star Nosed Mole Star Nosed MoleStar Nosed Mole Eating Star Nosed Mole EimersStar Nosed Mole Embryo Star Nosed Mole Embryo Star Nosed Mole in Den Star Nosed Mole Star Nosed Mole Nose Star Nosed Mole SkullThe "star" of the Star-nosed mole. Photo credit: Kenneth Catania 2011.The geography of Condylura cristata. Photo credit:  IUCN Red List via Wiki commons 2010.Phylogenetic tree of the Star-nosed Mole and close relatives. Photo credit: Koyabu et al. via 2011.Phylogenetic tree for the Star-Nosed MoleStar Nosed Mole

We would like to give a special thank you to Dr. Kenneth Catania, Stevenson Professor of Biological Sciences at Vanderbilt University, for allowing us to use his amazing images.

Visit Dr. Catania's site to learn even more about the star-nosed mole and his other research.

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