Contact Us

Jenna WassenaarJenna Wassenaar
Hello, my name is Jenna Wassenaar and I am one of your guides through the world of the Cyclosa conica spider! I am an aspiring physical therapist who is currently striving to achieve my undergraduate degree in Biomedical Sciences at the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse. I am passionate about hockey, dogs, helping people, being outdoors, and the sciences. I've worked alongside my partner, Amanda Hiti, to create an informative website on this spider for my Organismal Biology class at the University of Wisconsin- La Crosse with Dr. Meredith Thomsen and Dr. Gregory Sandland. When you come across the pages dedicated to the Cyclosa conica's habitat and interactions you've officially stumbled across my hard work and research contributions to this webpage. I also collaborated with my fellow partner on the home, classification, and facts pages. I hope you enjoy exploring the world of this magnificent organism!

Amanda Hiti
My name is Amanda Hiti and I am your other guide through the wonderful world of the Cyclosa conica.  I am a sophomore at UW-La Crosse and currently majoring in Biology.  I enjoy working in the sciences and especially love to work in labs.  While I worked with my partner Jenna on some topics for the Cyclosa conica, I researched all the information for the pages Reproduction and Form and Function.

If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact us at