The Wondrous Weddell Seal





Domain – Eukarya
Kingdom – Animalia
Phylum – Chordata
Class – Mammalia
Order – Carnivora
Family – Phocidae

Domain: Eukarya

This specie is classified in the Eurkarya domain because its cells have true nuclei and specialized membrane bounded organelles.

Kingdom: Animalia

The Weddell seal is a multicellular organism and is dependent on preying on other organisms for energy. These characteristics categorize this organism in the kingdom of Animalia.

Phylum: Chordata

The notifying feature that the Weddell seal has that categorizes it in the Chordata phylum is the notochord. This structure is found in all chordate embryos. This seal also has a tail that extends behind its anus, which is another characteristic of all chordates.

Class: Mammalia

The Weddell seal is classified in the Mammalia class because it gives birth to live young.  These seals also produce milk for their pups to feed on.

Order: Carnivora

This aquatic seal has a diet that consists of feeding on other aquatic animals like fish and octopus. Weddell seals are categorized in the Carnivora order because it is a carnivore. Many other mammals are a part of this order too.  Here is a phylogenetic tree that shows how Weddell seals are related to other commonly known carnivores. The Weddell seal descended from the same common ancestor as wolves and foxes.


Family: Phocidae

 The Weddell seal is a part of the Phocidae family because this animal is a seal species. Here is a phylogenetic tree of the Phocidae family. The Weddell seal is closely related to bearded seals and monk seals.  This species also descended from the same common ancestor at the harp seal.

Leptonychotes weddellii is commonly known as the Weddell seal.  This seal was named after James Weddell who discovered this species in the mid-1800s.



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