BIO 203


The Arctic fox lives primarily in arctic and tundra regions of the world, usually by the coast line. Some countries in particular that they live in are Canada, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, and Russia (Tannerfeldt and Angerbjorn 1996). This particular species of fox tends to move around relying heavily on two things: availability of rodents along with populations of red fox near the area. They compete with the red fox over prey, so if there are red fox in the area they will usually move farther away. Also, they primarily eat rodents such as lemmings and will move their entire group to find wherever the populations are most plentiful (Tannerfeldt and Angerbjorn 1996).

As for habitat requirements, the Arctic fox lives in a den and therefore searches for an area where it would be best to create a den. Typically the fox creates their den in the side of a mountain or somewhere above the tree line, to escape the red fox. Also, the fox creates multiple entrances and escapes for the den so they will be able to leave quickly (Selas et al. 2010). The Arctic fox has adapted very well to this specific environment and although they can travel a long distance, the areas are generally very similar. The tundra has little vegetation and is extremely cold so the Arctic fox has adapted to get around these particular obstacles. They have developed a thick-coat for the temperatures along with feeding on small rodents who don’t need much vegetation to survive (Tannerfeldt and Angerbjorn 1996). This habitat may not suite many, but it’s just right for the Arctic fox.

Check out the arctic foxes adaptations!

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