
Even though there is a deficit of specific information about this species' adaptations to it's environment, some generalized statements can be made about organisms in the same class. Gastropoda originates from the Greek words gaster "belly" and podos "foot". Thus, these are the "belly-footed" animals that creep by progressive waves of contraction and expansion of a ventral, muscular foot. The movement of terrestrial gastropods has been described as "sliding on slime." Glands in the muscular foot secrete a slimy mucus that enables the mollusks to glide over rough surfaces (Martin, S. 2000). If we think about how snails get around on all sorts of environments without the use of legs, fins, or wings its hard not to admire their adaptations in locomotion.

Pulmonata now an unofficial group, previously considered an order, refers to the snails that have a lung-like cavity in which gas exchange occurs. The Latin word pulmo means "lung". The Delicate vertigo belongs to the order Stylommatophora which comes from the Greek word stylos for pillar. This organism has two pairs of retractile tentacles, with the eyes located at the tip of the taller pair. The tentacles of Vertigo bollesiana are sensory organs that perceive chemical stimuli and feel the environment.  (Martin, S. 2000). To read more follow this link.